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Preorder on Fashion Cloud

What is a Preorder? How do I place a Preorder?

Luca Schmidt avatar
Written by Luca Schmidt
Updated over a week ago

The Preorder allows you to easily preorder items of the next season directly from a brand via our platform.

How to preorder

1. To place a Preorder you must first choose Preorder from the main menu. You can now see the brands you connected with on the left.

Note: The brand must participate in the Preorder on Fashion Cloud and have given you Preorder access rights for you to see them listed here.

Use the search bar to find a specific brand if you are already connected with dozens. Click on a brand to enter their Preorder Brand Shop.

If you want to learn more about access rights or want to see which access you have been granted by your brands, check out this article:

2. From here you have multiple options to find items:

  • type in the EAN, article number or article name of your article in the search bar

  • use the filter options: choose a category on the left and/or enter specific attributes on the top to search for your desired article

Please note: You are always searching within the Preorder Shop of the Brand you previously selected.

3. If you have found your article, it is time to set the correct colors, sizes and quantities before adding it to the Order Sheet. There is one size matrix for each color. You can type in the quantities you want to order for each size/color here.

Once you are finished, add your desired articles to the Order Sheet by pressing Add to cart. You can now either finalize your Preorder or add more items from the same brand.

4. To finalize your Preorder, find your Order Sheet on the top right corner. Here you have an overview of all the articles you have added to the Order Sheet and your total purchase price. Changing the amount of a specific article is still possible here as well.

Select the store you want the items shipped to, your individual order number (not mandatory) and finally click on Submit order. You can also create a PDF of your Preorder by clicking Create PDF.

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