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Invite Retailers

Invite Retailers to join Fashion Cloud

Luca Schmidt avatar
Written by Luca Schmidt
Updated over a year ago

To invite one or multiple retailers, go to Retailers in the main menu and select Retailer Invites in the sub menu.

1. Select your brand(s) on the left for which you would like to grant the invited retailers access right away.

2. Enter the email address(es) of your retailer(s) in the corresponding field. Please note that the email addresses should be separated by comma, semicolon or line break.

3. Select the products you would like to grant your retailers access to.

This counts for all brands previously selected on the left.

4. Click on Generate Links.

5. You can now either download the .csv file including the links you just created to send them to your retailers by yourself or you can click on Send Invites. This way Fashion Cloud sends out the emails on your behalf.

6. By clicking on Invite Reporting you will get insights into the performance of your referral invites.


  1. Q: What happens if I select my Brand A that only participates in Content and my Brand B that participates in Content + Reorder and then grant access rights for Content + Reorder?

    A: Your retailer will have access to Content for Brand A and Content + Reorder for Brand B.

  2. Q: What does the email that Fashion Cloud sends out on my behalf look like?


  3. Q: Which translations are included in the email from Fashion Cloud?

    A: English, German, Dutch

  4. Q: What is included in the .csv file?

    A: It includes the email addresses, the corresponding sign up link and a column about the status, meaning whether the email is invalid, already on the platform or valid.

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